It never really peaked...
28 April 2013
Following in the wake of fairly popular Danish cartoons such as "Terkel I Knibe", "Rejsen Til Saturn" and "Ronald Barbaren", this cartoon comes off as fairly weak in its storyline and it doesn't seem that there has been put just as much effort into this as with the others.

The story is about a pair of brothers who end up having to become bounty hunters in order to pay off the dept of one of the brothers. And along the way to the money, the family bonds becomes tested and strained.

Now, they had a pretty good list of people for the parts here, provided that you are a Dane or familiar with the Danish movie and stand up comedy scene.

There were only a handful of scenes throughout the movie that causes laughter, which is a shame, because the movie did have potential, but it wasn't fully tapped into and taken advantage of. But the scenes that do bring about laughter are then truly hilarious, that is worth taking into account. And some of the parts in the movie, you have to be a Dane or familiar with the customs or politics in Denmark to understand (the part with Pia Kjærsgaard really had me laughing hard!).

If you enjoy Danish animation, then the movies I mention above are far better choices than "Jensen & Jensen", though it is worth a watch if you have nothing better to do, just don't get your hopes up too high.
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