To the Wonder (2012)
This film had more shots of spinning and dancing in fields than any film I have seen since the Sound of Music.
25 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Never move from gorgeous Paris to butt crack Oklahoma seems to be the message of this film. As with the majority of Malick's work this film has a lot going for it in the way of visuals and cinematography. In addition there is a general lack of dialogue and much of the narrative consists of the characters private thoughts. If you are a fan of poetry, symbolism and arty films I could see you enjoying this film.

This is certainly not the film to introduce yourself to Malick, much like beer and coffee Malick films are an acquired taste. To the Wonder follows the same formula as films likes Days of Heaven and The Tree of Life with its' at times overbearing and monotonous narratives over incredible scenes and spectacular cinematography. If you have ever loved and lost or struggled with stages of a relationship you may find a moment where the film enters you and forces your thought to reflection. As always with Malick films, the film is beautifully shot and that alone is worth the price of admission.

I can't remember ever being so thoroughly enthralled and also annoyed with a movie at the same time. It is visually beautiful. Stunning in fact, but it is filled with some poor acting, banal dialogue, and bumper sticker philosophy. There is zero character development and you will find yourself not caring what happens to any of these people. Which is too bad since you will be spending the next two hours with them. That said, the amazing cinematography will most likely keep you watching.

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