Life with Boys (2011–2013)
Great Show, Great acting, Great cast. Love it
25 April 2013
Life With Boys is a funny, witty and charming show for audiences of all ages. Unlike most shows aimed at the tween age group there is no over exaggerated plot points, the characters don't scream and shout at each other for no reason.The shows comedy elements always make me laugh and the one liners from each of the characters range from making me chuckle to laughing out loud. Again the show doesn't rely on screaming and shouting for laughs. The arguments between the four siblings are hilarious and some extremely funny lines come out in these moments.There is toilet humor in the show, however this is very minimal with a small amount of fart jokes and use of the word 'Butt'. There is the use of a made up word 'Shming' in the show with substitutes for actual swearing in one episode, which unlike other shows aimed for the age group is much more appropriate than using words like 'Skunkbag'.

This is also the first show I have seen since the days of 'Saved By The Bell', despite that being aimed at an older age group, to actually deal with some issues teenagers face. These issues range from the minor, sharing one bathroom to fighting over a girl/boy to the more major, pressures of being popular and cool to smoking. A whole episode deals with the issue of becoming popular by smoking and it come across very well and remains funny throughout. Said episode is also handled very well, we see the cigarettes in the hands of several of the characters, but never see them smoke, tho it is implied they have. The fact that this show deals with issues like smoking, rather than possibly going to space is one I personally really appreciate.

Final thoughts: The three boys Gabe, Sam and Spencer over all together steal the show and adds a lot to its charm. Unlike most shows for the age group it does the opposite and has more boys than girls. Overall Life With Boys is an amazingly funny, charming show with some good role models and morals that never fails to make me smile and laugh with every episode.

Score: Despite some minor flaws I still give Life With Boys 10 out of 10
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