Thought provoking film
22 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A thought provoking pseudo-documentary about life after a plague has wiped out the majority of San Francisco and the rest of the world.

Shot on an obvious shoe-string, it covers common science-fiction territory about life for the survivors in the aftermath of such a calamity.

The focus is on the people and the remains of society. Adam Savage as the "engineer" provides the technical aspects of how people are coping, but the movie primarily focuses on how individuals choose to exist and their relations, if they choose to have any, with others. Some choose to work with others in a town-style setting, some like to live on the outskirts but still interact with those in town and a few have gone completely isolationist. It includes one "execution", not seen on- screen, of a person who was deemed dangerous to the other survivors.

For avid readers or viewers of apocalyptic movies, they may be a bit bored. For those new to the topic, I think they will find this movie to be very thought-provoking and enjoyable.
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