Review of The Big Steal

The Big Steal (1949)
Basically a car chase
20 April 2013
Robert Mitchum (Duke Halliday) is chasing Patric Knowles (Fiske) who stole an army payroll of $300,000.00 from him. In turn, William Bendix (Captain Blake) is hot on the heels of Mitchum whom he believes has taken off with the money himself. Knowles has also stolen $2,000.00 from girlfriend Jane Greer (Joan) who has caught up with him and wants her money back. Everyone arrives in Mexico and the chase is on.

This film is basically one long car chase and the cast all play their parts just fine. Mitchum was arrested in a drugs bust and spent some time in jail during this film and so it's understandable that he wants to get his hands back on the loot so that he can make a nice investment in some Mexican marijuana.

The version that I watched was, alarmingly, a colourized version. This was simple enough to fix, ie, just turn the colour right down on the TV, but that is not the point. Film-making in black and white is a completely different process in terms of lighting consideration, materials and textures used to provide an effective contrast between different shades of grey, how to make things sparkle, etc. For someone to come along and start colouring in these black and white films is utterly moronic, illustrates a complete lack of understanding of how the medium of film works, and annoys the viewer.

Unfortunately, there is just not a lot going on in this film. Everyone meets up in the end and the film pans out exactly as you would expect it to. In fact, the role of William Bendix makes little sense once you get to the end of the film. Whilst the film is OK to pass the time, I've no idea why such a distinguished cast bothered with it. It did have one purpose though - it must have inspired ABBA to write their hit song "Chiquitita".
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