Northern Exposure: The Three Amigos (1992)
Season 3, Episode 16
Very Alaskan
19 April 2013
A very Alaskan episode, featuring a lot more true landscape than the townie episodes. It's cold out there, the horses are sturdy and the river is moving, but the river is ice. The Jack London narrations and love of Alaska are rough and romantic, and palpable. In an unusual series, this is an unusual episode. It's good to see Joanna Cassidy here, sexy and strong and again a survivor, and this episode gives us a stronger picture of the friendship between Holling and Maurice, and how they handle women between them. That sheds light on the Shelly problem between Maurice and Holling. Watch this one for the magnificent Alaskan trek and landscapes, the Jack London narratives, and the relationship of men with each other.
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