Review of Colt .45

Colt .45 (1950)
Western cheese and there's no denying it..
15 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big Randolph Scott fan..I really am..and Ruth Roman has always been good eye candy..but I cannot give my support to such a contrived plot..Zachary Scott plays a cowardly gang leader..he stands petrified when the guns are turned on him..he's big man with a pair of colts in his hands..but there is a terrified look in his eyes without them..and I'm not sure why Zachary ever made it in the movies ..he has the weakest chin in town..Alan Hale who played so well off of Errol Flynn is mis-cast as a crooked town sheriff..Randy may be mis-cast as well as a clueless hero who falls for every trick in the book..dirt thrown in your face..hit over the head by a girl..rope across the dark country road..the fight at the end is is just a rather lame western..I wish it was better cast and better directed..the action was fairly well staged..but uneven..I also must add that Lloyd Bridges plays an over-the-top ??partner?? In crime with Zachary Scott..he actually believes he's an equal partner in this enterprise..Ruth Roman can't decide where her loyalties lie..but Alan Hale as well as all the townsfolk are just pathetic..there's supposed to be a lot of gold being mined..but I never see miners..just town people..just set dressing..the Indians? stereotypes and not done well..the tepees? Store bought canvas creations..again set is watchable..barely so..but you may chuckle a few times laughing on the inside and crying on the outside..this is a disappointment..enough said..5 out of 10..being generous..
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