Oh! You Pretty Things
14 April 2013
Spring Breakers (Korine, 2013, C+)

Some beautiful photography here to be sure; the "Malick goes to Cancun" designation is apt in that sense. There is also an attempt at lyricism that mostly falls flat. But I picked up on more "Easy Rider"-ish thematics going on. Franco is fully invested and provides momentary flashes of low comedic hilarity while also imbuing the character of Alien with well considered touches of pathetic interest. Still, the film as a whole is slight- entertaining but insubstantial, energetic but flabby and the slick surface camouflages the stolid morality of this music video cum generational commentary. Korine's bravado ensures the experience won't feel like a waste (particularly in a well executed robbery in the films first third) but it isn't enough to warrant a full recommendation. We blew it, indeed.
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