Review of Victory

Spartacus: Victory (2013)
Season 3, Episode 10
13 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a masterpiece of a show. What. A. Ride. Never before has a show elicited in me the reactions this has. I have cheered, I have cried, and I have laughed all throughout this amazing journey. Thank you, Steven DeKnight and co.

When I first started the show, I was apprehensive. I liked the pilot enough, but I didn't imagine it would become one of my most loved shows of all time. It has created breathtaking visuals, amazing choreography, and fantastic characters (shout-out to Batiatus, who was one of those people you love to hate, yet you root for).

As we came into the third season, I was excited to see the show's take on historical figures like Crassus and Caesar. I was not disappointed. Both actors did a fantastic job, and while the Roman side of things weren't as compelling as before, they served as a nice final group of antagonists to Spartacus.

One thing I did not like was Tiberius. I felt nothing for him, not even hate, and he came across as more boring than anything else. His death was inconsequential and quiet, which was nice, although after killing Crixus, I wanted his face to be sliced off or something. Speaking of, Manu Bennett was so fantastic this season. I absolutely loved him, and his death scene was one of the most heartbreaking, yet beautiful things I've seen on television. Although I didn't much like this new Naevia, I still felt for her (and man, that last shot of "Separate Paths" was beautiful).

And of course, Liam McIntyre. Kudos to him for keeping Whitfield's legacy living through this character. He once again did fantastic work, none more so than in the finale.

What a finale that was. Seriously. I give it an 11/10. It was beyond a masterpiece. Once again, the battle scenes were cinema-quality, and I was cheering and holding my breath the whole time. Everything about it was beautiful. Merrells did fantastic work as Crassus, and McIntyre did fantastic work as Spartacus. The last few minutes hit me hard, and the last shot of the series was beautiful. Spartacus dies under a red serpent. One of my favorite things about the finale is that DeKnight created this sense of hope; you just hoped history would be changed. Yet, they stuck to the story, and I thought it was the right choice. They told the story of Spartacus, and they did it perfectly.

Other thoughts:

-Loved Gannicus as well. Hated what happened to him, though -Loved Ashur throughout the series. He was the perfect sneaky weasel -Loved the pit trap in the finale, as well as F--- YOUR MOTHERS!! -The credits of the finale was a perfect tribute to all the characters. It was so fantastic to see Varro, Batiatus, Lucretia, etc. again. And of course, Andy Whitfield closing it out. That brought tears to my eyes.

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