Review of Chaos

Southland: Chaos (2013)
Season 5, Episode 9
Very Disappointed
11 April 2013
This show started off ALL wrong. How long do you think John has been a police officer? Don't you think a REAL police officer would have secured his perpetrator first. Why did John not put the first dirt bag in cuffs before he ran over to help his partner. This is procedure. That part of the show was so far fetched, that it made watching the rest of the show very hard. I feel that John got his partner shot and killed by not following regulations and handcuffing the perpetrator.

I also am tired of Ben/Sammy. I understand what Ben did, I just don't agree with it. Grow up boys, stop your lying, and back stabbing.

I am also tired of this show making all Law Enforcement Officers look dirty. Not every police officer takes bribes, lies, cheats, steals, arrests people unjustly, and all the other crappy things they do.

Let's get some reality in the show next season, glad the season ender is next week.
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