Are we all talking (or writing) about the same movie?
11 April 2013
All the bad reviews here (nightmarish actually) made me think very carefully before deciding to watch this movie. I'm so infinitely glad that I did choose to go ahead! I absolutely loved the movie and the only thing that kept creeping through the back of my mind to subtract something from the experience was the thought: why people feel the need to bash this movie? what made them so uncomfortable? But then that is probably for the exact same reason that I feel the film is so poignant. Isn't it a fact that people find it so difficult to make a marriage actually work? Isn't it true that most people are still struggling through their relationships facing the challenges the movie puts right in front of our eyes but that mostly we just prefer to ignore and get laid or just escape not really facing the most ardent issues? So many are shocked at the inherent sexuality of the reverend. And it's really a shame because the big problems with celibacy really start when you can't accept that you live in a sexual world, even if you chose not to have sexual relationships. This means priests should be able to talk about sex, and when counseling couples this should be an essential part of their guidance. It reminds me of an interview by Julie Delpy about her comedy 2 Days in New York where she says the USA are the most puritan country in the western world and something along the lines that little prejudices grow big without people realizing so.

People talk about a thin plot, flat characters, evil all over the place... It really amazes me that almost no one realizes the intriguing challenge posed on the viewer about his earnest commitment to a most personal and intimate relationship. It's the grand part of your life that we're talking about! (the celebration of the parents' marriage longevity highlights this) Unless you are committed to not having any serious relationship ever, I think you should give this movie a chance.
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