Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood (2011)
Season 1, Episode 10
Review of Season One
6 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a woman, I naturally gravitated to some of the female characters.

Young Arya Stark, daughter of Ned Stark, totally captivated me. You might call her a tomboy, except for the fact that she is proud to be a girl. "I'm a girl," she loudly claims whenever she is mistaken for a boy, which happens quite frequently. She is given a sword that she names "Needle." and she wants to learn how to use it. Her father indulges her with "dancing lessons." Everyone thinks she is taking dancing lessons, but in actuality she is studying with "sensei" (as we would call him) who is teaching her to be a fighter. Little Arya is going to be a regular Joan of Arc in a couple of years.

Another female character that captures my interest is Daenery's Targargen, a seeming frail blond beauty, now known at Khaleesa. She is sold off in marriage by her brother, Viserys, to Drogo, the leader of the Dothraki, a savage tribe of warriors. (Visery's believes that he is the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms and Drogo promised him an army in exchange for his sister.)

Af first, Daenerys is a victim, mistreated by her husband and her brother, but she learns to win her husband's love and becomes a true partner to him and a strong leader of her husband's people. As she gains confidence and power, she rebels against her brother's treatment of her, and her brother is killed by her husband. (It's death by gold— this is the-not-to-be-missed-scene of the season.) Daenery's status is improved, in part, by the fact that she is carrying Drogo's child who everyone expects will be a son. Daenerys comes into her own when her child is born dead and her husband dies of a battle wound. She arranges a funeral pyre for her husband, and enters the funeral pyre herself along with three dragon eggs. By morning, when the fire has burned down, Daenery's is found unharmed with three dragon hatchlings. Dragons have been extinct for hundreds of years, but the Targargens are the people of the dragon. "A true dragon (i.e. a person of the Targargen dragon clan) can never be destroyed by fire," Daenery's proclaims. Most of the Dothraki deserted her when Drogo died, but she has assumed leadership of tribal remnants that have chosen to stay with her..

What is most compelling about Deanery's is her leadership skills. She can be kind and compassionate, but when the occasion calls for it she can be firm, resolute, and even cruel. I think she will one day be a great Dragon Queen.

This is an excerpt from my review on my blog: Premium Cable Reviews.
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