Wolves Unleashing Howlingly good
5 April 2013
I think the Anchorage International Film Festival programmers really missed the mark with this film by screening it at the museum and the Alaska Experience Theater - this one really needs to be a double feature with Go Ganges! at the Beartooth Theater.

Alaskan audiences are going to find this film extremely relateable - not only because of the similarities of the dramatic extremes of Siberian landscape but also for very base human delight at discovering the complexities of Native Siberian vs Canadian honeybucket choices.

Far warning: Dog Whisperer Ceasar Milan disciples are going to be completely blown away when they see how pack leader Andrew Simpson gets his alpha male wolf to stand on his mark on cue.

Public knowledge: Wolves Uunleashed takes you behind the scenes of the filming of French film "Loup (Wolf) " in bitterly cold Northern Siberia. Director Andrew Simpson is a world-renowned animal trainer who takes his crew to Siberia to make the biggest wolf film ever attempted. Together with their pack of wolves, they live in a remote camp for five months, dealing with temperatures as low as 50 below zero.

The documentary shows that Simpson's wolves are graceful, caring, affectionate, trusting and capable of expressing different emotions. Intensely engaging, Wolves Unleashed captures the production of the film and shows just how deep the bond is between the trainers and the wolves – a bond that occasionally must be put at risk for the sake of filming a scene.

Not to be missed is the newly released companion book of the same title. As a professional animal trainer for the film industry, and having worked for almost every major Hollywood studio on over 100 productions, Andrew deals with numerous species on a regular basis. Pick it up at Barnes & Noble or Amazon.

At its core, Wolves Unleashed is a novel about Simpson's deep connection with the wolves he loves. The story reveals his emotional struggles as he wrestles with the decision to use his unique relationship against the animals and jeopardize the years spent building trust. As the pack overcomes their wild instincts in order to perform, it becomes clear that the bond between wolf and man is a testament to their mutual dedication and love.

I found the film to be a strong representation of the director: an intelligent, articulate, meaningful discussion of a passionate, beautiful, adventurous world where common sense is the rule of law in the center of a galaxy of chaos.
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