Shooting for the Glory may make him a Basket Case.
5 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Rackateering in film has taken on many different forms of bullying, and in this unique semi-film noir, the subject of sports racketeering is tackled. College basketball hero Marshall Thompson seems to have the world in front of him, and a sport reporter (John Ireland) is watching this newcomer very closely as he begins to gain a reputation of a truly promising athlete. But when a sports racketeer (William Bishop) takes an interest in him, its either his way or the high way, as Bishop at first courts him to "loose points" but still win the game so gambling houses can beat the betters who play guessing games as to who will win and by how many points. At first, Thompson declines, being a basically honest kid, but he changes his mind because of financial issues concerning his hero-worshiping younger brother (Bobby Hyatt) and the young woman he hopes to marry (Vanessa Brown).

This is an interesting minor film that tackles a unique subject, how an innocent person's life can be ruined by threatening circumstances. Thompson falls prey as a victim of Bishop's gang's scheme, even getting beaten up and having his loved ones threatened. While the film ends on a somewhat inconclusive note, it is obvious that while Thompson may have his hand slapped and even loose his scholarship, but he'll end up being cleared due to extenuating circumstances.
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