Comparable closely to Troll 2.
26 March 2013
I regret to say that I was attached to this film. I will not say how, and I am using a throwaway account because I couldn't resist reviewing it after 5 years had passed.

To start, there is virtually no story line in this movie. It is a random unexplained mess that tries it's hardest to be hilarious. If there's any part of this movie that made me laugh, it's the thought that lots of time and effort went into producing this convoluted, horribly acted mess. It feels like we're watching the result of an inside joke between the filmmakers that we're not in on. If this movie is ever remembered by anyone other than the cast and crew, it will be remembered as a lesser version of what Troll 2 is seen as today. A movie so terrible it's painful to watch. It's past the point where it would be bad enough to be funny. It's simply bad. Even if there were good actors in this movie, it wouldn't be able to revive the awful screenplay. On a slightly technical aspect, the cinematography has nothing going for it. Also, the audio is constantly changing in volume at a strange level.

Overall: Virtually no story line. Terrible Acting. Boring, at best. Painful to watch.

As a person attached to this film, I personally apologize to anyone who had the misfortune, or the perseverance to make it through this film. Could be slightly enjoyable if you're surrounded by friends and watching it simply to make fun of it.
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