Bones: The Beaver in the Otter (2009)
Season 4, Episode 24
Generation Gap
19 March 2013
Hated Animal House et al of it Mimickers. Watching adults behaving like hyper-active 8-year-olds on crack just offends me. Amplifying that is my long-standing contempt for the practice of extending adolescence into our late teens, a practice dating to the late 19th Century in America and initially restricted to the affluent. The poor and working classes couldn't afford it and it wasn't til the 1920s that, prompted by free secondary education, the idea seeped throughout the middle classes. Even then, Andy Hardy still matured.

Irresponsibility related to Greek college students follows a parallel line beginning with Fitzgerald, carries through to the mid/late 50s, took a break from the late 50s to Animal House (1978), which devolved that irresponsibility to the level of 8-year-olds on crack.

Personally, I got lucky, going to a large state university where Jocks and Greeks were (self) isolated from the larger community and most of us gloried in our first autonomy as adults. That was 1968 and, during my undergraduate years, I neither saw nor imagined the kind of behavior displayed in either Animal House or this episode of Bones; on our campus, it wouldn't have been tolerated even within the confines of Greek/Jock Row. A kegger on the Snake River was as close as it got.

Bottom line, I'm extremely prejudiced on the subject and only gave this episode a 2 because I love Bones - and the fact that Jared took his first small step towards turning into a Human Being.

Unlike virtually every other episode, there is nothing here I like; no little bit of banter, not even the arching of an eyebrow.

A caveat to latter generations - my generation (or large parts of it) embraced the classic American values and the revolutions of the 60s were based on making those values real, especially the notion of individual autonomy (which we now call empowerment). That was our context. Contexts change, as demonstrated by Animal House. Generation Gaps emerge so, if you don't find that change in context offensive, if you enjoyed its new set of parameters, you might actually like this episode.

As for myself, I feel no grief that the Beaver's dead and figure he deserved his fate.
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