Doctor Who: Forest of the Dead (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Everybody is saved
12 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Silence in the Library is a tough act to follow. And frankly, there are a few slow moments in this episode as we watch Donna enjoy a weird, rosy fake reality and wait for her to get a clue, while back in the Library the Doctor is still running from the walking skeletons. And as the Goofs section will tell you, there is a glaring inconsistency, although it does not affect the story itself. Yet those few flaws are more than made up for by a really solid plot and an ending to put all endings to shame.

As the two parts of the plot finally come to a head, we realise that the key rests with the little girl with the remote. Once her true identity is revealed, it is only a matter of minutes until all the threads finally come together in a complex, tightly-woven plot which makes good use of every detail. And the characters get to show their mettle. I like how Forest of the Dead shows them to be so much better than the stereotypes they were in Silence in the Library: Anita, who at first seemed a bit mean, now proves to be very brave in her own way; Mr Lux unexpectedly turns out to be a good guy; poor Miss Evangelista gets a real upgrade. Even better, River gives us an unexpected glimpse into the Doctor's nature when, with just one whispered word, she earns his absolute trust --and shakes him to his secretive core. This is a man who has repeatedly trusted his companions with his life. With his name --not *once*.

Finally, I like how this series promotes an understated sort of heroism, one which does not brag about its tragedies. Even faced with their own mistakes, even faced with horrible doom, the characters all try to put a good face on it and pretend that they're alright. Yet where another show would give them a hero's sendoff, they die unnoticed, silently, even grotesquely.

As for River... Who has not cried over that final scene? The whole "your firsts are my lasts" device is such a brilliant, refreshing, heart-breaking idea. Now we will never be able to see her without remembering this. Yet beyond the tragedy, the episode unexpectedly manages to end on a hopeful note. The Doctor's mad dash always has me hopping in my chair, holding my breath, willing him to run for her life. But all of this would be so much less powerful without River's beautiful voice-over. This is one of those scenes that just takes your breath away and leaves you reeling and silent in front of your television, unwilling to break the spell.

Sorry for that extremely long review but... it was worth it.
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