Curfew (I) (2012)
Shawn Christensen's CURFEW one of the BEST SHORT FILMS I'VE EVER SEEN! (Some SPOILERS)
11 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of my acquaintances had a short film in Tribeca in 2012 and I went to the "Menhattan" Block of shorts to see it. While I enjoyed it, it was there that I first discovered CURFEW - what an amazingly brilliant short! I also had the chance to meet and chat with Writer-Director/Lead Actor Shawn Christensen - such a talented individual. A Rennaissance man, if you will. He also wrote the music for the film.

The film opens up at a dark point with our lead character Richie, who has obvious suicidal tendencies and bouts with both drug-use and depression. At his lowest moment, he receives a phone-call from his sister, who is desperate - with nowhere else to turn - asking him to watch his niece Sophia.

Where the movie goes from there, I will let the viewer discover for themselves. However, Christensen, not only does a very good job portraying Richie, he manages to tell a full story in only 19 minutes - no easy feat! As the director, he also manages a nice mix between this heavy-handed drama with the perfect amount of humor blended in. It's a tightrope, but Christensen navigates it well.

Much kudos to the young Fatima Ptacek, who despite her young age, turns in a brilliant performance as Sophia, Riche's niece.

One thing that is a testament to Christensen is that this film NEVER runs into melodrama, but is the best kind of drama - the kind that forms a lump in your throat and brings a tear to your eye. Without seeming as if it's trying to, it does tug at your heartstrings.

I saw this film almost a year before it won the Academy Award, but I said it then and will say it again now: It was one of the BEST SHORT FILMS I'VE EVER SEEN! I told Shawn Christensen he was going to win the Academy Award and it was no surprise to me when it did.

And, I am anxiously awaiting his next masterpiece.
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