Review of Pressed

Pressed (2011)
A very good inde-movie that deserves to be seen. Very gritty and real. I am really shocked at how much I enjoyed this. I say B+
28 February 2013
"I've got three months before this whole thing blows up in my face." Brian (Goss) is having a bad day. First he gets laid off, then gets in a fight with his wife, then finds out the savings he thought he had isn't as much as he was expecting. He stops at a bar to think and finds an old friend who says he can help. Risking everything Brian gives him all he has. When two young kids interfere with the plans everyone's life is affected. Going in to this I had no idea what to expect. I was very surprised with what I got and really really enjoyed this. The movie is tense and you aren't really sure what character to root for and it stays that way for just about the entire movie. Equal parts drama and action, this a the most realistic movie of this type I have seen. You will see what I mean when you watch this. I just put it in as background while I was doing something else but found myself 100% involved about 20 minutes in. I really enjoyed this. Overall, gritty, real and de-pressing...see what I did there. I give it an B+.
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