Hard Shoulder (2012)
Poor mans Rob Zombie
27 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Dead End is over blown and weak on script. It centres around a fractious family car trip where mum and dad (Will Johnson and Angela Dixon) spend the whole time moaning at each other throughout. There teenage daughter (Frances Speedie) and son (Callum Anderson) are irritatingly miserable and grumpy.

The journey takes longer than they had planned and at one point are overtaken by a convoy of travellers. This prompts dad into a confrontation which the family later regrets when they because ambushed by the travellers, tied up and torture. Sounds like a poor mans Rob Zombie movie doesn't it… Right! The family/gang lead by Jamie Foreman leads his motley and deranged family (Jon Campling, James Fisher, Lucy Drive and Jill Greenacre)… Told you Rob Zombie… Mr. Campling even adapts the voice… They all different aspect threatening or violence behaviour while their captors try their best to resist or escape. You kind of hope that it's going somewhere, that there's a deep meaning to it all but… what little there is does start to make sense as the intimidation progresses.

Don't get me wrong it is not a total debacle, there are certain bits within Dead End/hard Shoulder to be commended. Mainly the performance of Jamie Foreman as a vicious villain. But there are also chunks of the movie that are simply poor… Cut it down – that's the best thing to do with this kind of low budget movie 75 minutes would be a max... then it would be much better.
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