26 February 2013
That is not to say that Crazy with the Heat is bad. It is actually pretty good, just that considering it was Donald and Goofy it could and should have been much more. Apart from suffering from Goofy's mistakes and being easily frustrated, Donald isn't really given all that much to do, or at least much that is funny. The ending is also far too abrupt, that I do agree with, but the biggest problem was that while the idea was absolutely great and gave some inspired visual touches and zippy pacing, the constant switching from mirage to reality got very confusing and eventually rather weird after a while. However Crazy with the Heat is animated beautifully especially in the vibrant colours. The music is energetic and characterful, the orchestration also continues to be dynamic and truly pleasant to the ears. The gags are amusing at least, though the confusion of the story gets in the way I feel from them being more than that. Goofy has the best moments, with the part with the soda fountain the standpoint. Goofy is just delightful, and while Donald has been utilised far better than here just seeing him is good enough. The voice work is great. All in all, worth watching but rather bizarre. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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