Review of Dreamer

Dreamer (2000)
Let's all go back to "1629 A.D." . . .
23 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
. . . which is when this Native American version of Billy Joel's "We didn't light the fire" supposedly takes place and examine if writer\director Raymond E. Spiess, Jr., has a point to make. Give Ray kudos for casting Saginaw Grant (an actor with a face even more weathered and craggy than the crying elder in that classic environmental public service announcement that ran on TV all the time in the late 1900s) as a shaman on some sort of a "vision quest." But if his question to the Magic 8 Ball in the clouds was whether or not the coming of Europeans to his continent was a good thing for his people, he's at least 137 years tardy in receiving his apocalyptic montage, as Columbus "sailed the ocean blue in the year 1492" (and Leif Ericsson even earlier, if you can trust a Viking). Not only was the writing "on the wall" by 1629, but it was scribbled all over the floor and ceiling, too. Therefore, Mr. Old One is exercising hindsight as much as foresight in his history smash-cut of famous events with available public domain stock footage which are connected only by the fact that they happened, as opposed to being some back-dated CGI incident involving an anonymous Native Nostradamus who never existed. The poorly spliced images range from WWII and the Vietnam War through the assassinations of JFK and ML King, Jr. to the Challenger explosion ("Let's go with throttle up."). Poor Mr. Spiess, Jr. If he'd waited just one more year to make his cheap production values patchwork quilt, he could have included some stunning footage from 9-11! Speaking of which, if Middle Easterners had beat Leif and Columbus to American, it would be off with Spiess' head for this kind of blaspheming nonsense, under sharia law!
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