Review of Meant to Be

Meant to Be (2012)
Religious overtone
21 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What would happen if all of the souls of the aborted lived on in a place between Heaven and Earth? What if for a brief time they could vision what life would have been like and visit the parents who made the choice to terminate them? Are they regretfully ridden with guilt and curious what might have been?

Meant To Be shows one man's journey to find his mother or who could have been. You don't know he's not really present until his story unfolds through the help of a new friend and hotel maid.

It gives the impression of being a story about the return of a mysterious traveler wandering into town. And while the general idea is good, the movie is not so well thought out or acted. It's actually pretty bland and while you're half way through it realize, "it's one of those Christian movies in disguise!" Not that there's anything wrong with that but subtle hints soon give it away and you feel like you've been tricked.

It's basically a pro-life story packaged into what seems like a thriller. Again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what the movie tries to convey, you just wish you'd known ahead of time that you're stuck in a sermon. If someone is faced with that choice, the movie shows a logical and spiritually approved alternative well worth considering.

The main star, who is also the writer and director gives a lackluster performance and is not a very good actor and after awhile, you're so bored that you just want the thing over. All in all a good idea poorly executed and predictable.
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