Review of Home

The Walking Dead: Home (2013)
Season 3, Episode 10
18 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of rubbish.....

I had such high hopes for episode 9 after the mid season break, what a let down that was! So I thought, OK, next episode looks much better. That was wishful thinking....

With all the previous episodes, there was a perfect balance between the story line, zombies, action and gore. Now, as my dad says, it's turning into a soap opera! There's too much of Rick, losing his head and seeing ghosts along with other characters talking nonsense that's not leading anywhere! Then, before you know it, the episode is finished!!!! If Rick wants to stroll around like a lost soul, let him and leave him out of it! You don't need to spend 10-15 minutes of a 45-50 minute episode watching him do so!! Each episode is less than an hour and when you finally get into it, it's over! So you wait another week and it's another let down! It seems like the writers are clueless now, just throwing ghosts or meaningless conversations to kill time. Before, each episode was intense and you'll be crying out for another episode. Now, however, I'm not looking forward to the new episodes and when I do watch them, it feels like a chore.

With 6 episodes left of this season, they need to do something spectacular to get me back into the mood of wanting to watch it!
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