Review of Inkaar

Inkaar (2013)
Inkaar (U/A) Hindi -------------- my Rating : ★★★ COMPLETE HARASSMENT OF EGOS
17 February 2013
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Inkaar (U/A) Hindi -------------- my Rating : ★★★ COMPLETE HARASSMENT OF EGOS

STRENGTHS : - * Performances : award winning rich and classy .... * Direction and Screenplay : i enjoyed each n every frame ...... * Music : few pleasant songs and background music.... * Suspense : who is the victim ?

WEAKNESSES : - * First Half : very slow and contains less contents..... * Story : is very simple but taken more mysterious .......

FINAL VERDICT : - * Overall .... the movie is not special but it is a clean one time decent watch ..... and it must have more spicier .....

The movie follows the story of Rahul Verma, the CEO of an ad advertising company, who has to follow the lawsuit of sexual harassment filed by Maya Luthra, his protégé. The two are battling for the top job of the company. A committee is set up by the agency to hear both sides of the story and work through the layers of lies and accusations to find out the truth.
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