The Simpsons: Love Is a Many Splintered Thing (2013)
Season 24, Episode 12
I wanted to like it, but I couldn't.
17 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"This review contains SPOILERS but trust me it kept me bored"

I'm sorry but this Simpsons episode was a big disappointment. After finding about the plot of the episode I wanted to look if the relationship between Bart and Mary would last longer. Sadly the writers once again dumped another character that seemed promising to become Bart's official girlfriend. I know Mary was voiced by Zooey Deschanel and she can't be in the show all the time like the other voice actors only because she has other things to do in her acting-career. It keeps me wondering in these questions:

1. Why bring Mary Spuckler back again on the show? Didn't we already got satisfied to see the last time of her on: Moonshine River? Don't get me wrong, she's a nice character but it's just really sad that the writers would bring her back on a episode where she dumps Bart.

2. Why an episode where Mary would dump Bart? That was so unnecessary by the writers to create this episode. I mean the ending felt a bit forced of the writers to make sure Mary would break up Bart once and for all.

3. Why the same plot for Homer and Marge when they break up and reunite again? We have seen this over a billion times right now, it's getting extremely boring to see them break up and reunite again.

4. If they wanted to turn this episode into one of Woody Allen's movies (a la Annie Hall which it was based on) wouldn't it be better if Woody Allen himself appeared on this episode? I know it sounds a lot of wishes for him to appear but maybe it would've been much more promising to hear his voice instead that one of the voice actors that made impression of him?

5. Why not a single funny joke? The whole episode became boring and almost made me fall asleep.

OK done. Sorry for all the questions but that's what I felt of the episode. But in fact, the beginning of the episode seemed promising but then it all turned boring as how boring these new Simpsons episode could possibly be! And also I'd like to point out that I think this episode proved to me why the new episodes stinks: The writers have totally lost ideas, they can't come up with new ideas and I don't think there's anything they could create new ways for the Simpsons to become funny again.

Sorry but I think it's over for me to watch the newer Simpsons episode. I won't be watching the show until I hear (hopefully) that somebody tells me that the show has returned to their roots. Goodbye Simpsons but I will still watch the older episodes from season 1-9 those are truly legends.
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