Acceptable Muscleman movie in which Maciste is imprisoned and forced to work as a slave in an African mine
30 January 2013
Passable Peplum thanks to robust Reg Park and expert filmmaker Piero Regnoli . Mythological epic with a magnificent he-man as is Reg Park and set in South Africa Republic . The setting is ancient South Africa , when Namar (Giuseppe Addobbati) , king of Zimba , a solitary city at the heart of Africa, decides to shut the fabulous king Salomon's mines , creating a temple and prohibiting to dig the valuable golden mineral . Meanwhile , the prime minister named Riad (Jotta) is planning a rebellion against his king . Riad helped by nasty Fazina (Wandisa Guisa) take over and overthrow the king . Both of them force the citizens to work in king Salomon's mines . The little young prince Vazma (Loris Loddi), heir to throne , becomes the new successor and flees along with Samara (Eleonora Bianchi) . The bouncing Maciste (Reg Park) helps the youngster Vazma and reunites an army of rebels to take on the Riad troops . But Maciste is captured , locked and become a spelled slave . Our protagonist unhesitatingly goes into action and must use his strength to save the successor from villain Fazina and against the king's former counselor . Then Maciste becomes inextricably involved in a war between usurpers under the command the troops against an army of helpless rebels . Along the way Maciste or Hercules or Goliath frees slaves , moves rocks and fights a lion and nasty hoodlums .

Italian production with haunting scenarios , wonderful outdoors and functional production design , including a city similarly designed to mythical Tombuctu . This is a good spaghetti , myth-opera with action , love , battles and luxurious landscapes . In addition , there are a brief exploration about Native African way of life , especially about 'Neidonga' tribe with their rites , customs , ceremonies , superstitions, mythologies and religion with their Totems and Gods . The movie has not mythological accuracy neither expecting historical . Breathtaking scenes when Maciste moves a sculpture and overwhelming final battle with surprising and spectacular scenes . In the picture turns up Peplum ordinaries as Wandisa Guisa , Eleonora Bianchi , Giuseppe Addobbati and veteran Carlo Tamberlani . And Remo De Angelis who worked much as maestro of weapons in this Sword and Sandals genre . Mark Forest , in his first film, is perfect as the mythical hero who encounters many dangerous situations while trying to save a heir prince of numerous odds . Reg Park himself became something of a cult personality in the Italian epic genre . Reg was a personal fitness trainer in South Africa . His friend and protégé Arnold Schwarzenegger considered Park to be the best of the "peplum" heroes. Reg Park who played the mythic Maciste in a few movies was randomly assigned the identity of Hercules , Goliath , Samson or Aron for U.S. viewing . Bouncing and strong Reg was the third American actor bodybuilder , after Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott, to be recruited by Italian producers to star in Peplum films . Reg Park played reserve team football for Leeds United before turning to body-building in 1946 . He finished Mr Universe runner-up to future film rival Steve Reeves in 1950 , then won the title outright in 1951, 1958 and 1965. After marrying South African-born Mareon Isaacs in Johannesburg in 1952, the Parks moved permanently to South Africa . . Reg used the amount of money he made acting as hero and gladiator films in Italy to fitness . As the muscle-man Reg Park left allegedly the sword and sandals genre for the gymnasium in South Africa where Reg ran a chain of fitness studios . He was one along with Ed Fury , Dan Vadis , Brad Harris , Alan Steel , Rock Stevens , Gordon Scott whom to seek fortune acting absurdly as muscle mythological figures but nobody topped Steve Reeves in popularity . Reg only starred 5 Peplum such as : La Sfida Dei Giganti , 1964 Ursus, terror of the Kirguisos , 1961 Ercole Al Centro della terra Hercules , 1961 The conquest of the Atlántida and of course , this ¨Maciste in King Solomon's Mines" - USA (TV title) or "Samson in King Solomon's Mines" which , handily for Park, was filmed on location in South Africa .

Interesting screenplay by also filmmaker , Piero Regnoli , a prolific writer who wrote a lot of Spaghetti , Gialli and Peplum . This spectacular Sword and Sandal movie displays a colorful and glimmer cinematography by Mario Capriotti , filmed on location in South Africa and Incir De Paolis Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy . Atmospheric and evocative musical score by Francesco De Massi . The motion picture was professionally directed by Piero Regnoli who also wrote many tales of this kind ,as he continued to realize and write films in similar style , at which he developed a considerable skill and mastery . Rating : Acceptable muscle-men fodder and better than most muscles operas-spaghetti , thanks to Reg Park and by Peplum specialist as is the director Piero Regnoli .
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