More or Less, Overrated
29 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, Jessica Chastain should not be in the running for the Oscar. Why not? Because she was stonefaced, poker-faced while walking and running around Afghanistan and CIA HQ in Langley, VA yelling, "Please believe me. I located bin Laden." In other words,Jessie seemed emotionless even when witnessing our waterboarding enhanced interrogation technique which shouldn't be considered torture. I sort of look at it as a way of cleaning the filthy pusses of the filthy RADICAL Muslims who were part of 9/11/01. In fact,waterboarding plus applying shock therapy to the genitalia would have gotten more info out of the scum. Oh by the way there was a scene in which a terrorist's panties were pulled down and Jessie is told to take a gander at his "junk"-she did but remained poker- faced. The terrorist who was being interrogated however did NOT remain poker-faced.

I must say that to all those who thought Pres. Bush was lying about not approving "torture" and about not having CIA sites and prison camps in Europe,you're right.He lied but for the sake of the security of this nation and that's all that counted. Conversely a shot of Pres. Obama is seen-he is saying that torture must be outlawed. The man knows from nothing except vacations.

What impressed me was an answer to a question I had about the role of a woman in the finding of bin Laden. I thought Chastain's character was a concoction for one reason or the other. I was wrong. Indeed, a female CIA operative at Langley had been working on finding the monster ever since the attacks on us occurred. Naturally her real name will never be divulged but it's Maya in the film. All I know is that no one could ever be a misogynist after seeing what she accomplished on behalf of our beloved nation.

I took note of how much effort was applied not to hurt the feelings of, or rile up Muslims worldwide insofar as showing the actual assassination of bin Laden by a Seal Team Six member.I guess it followed suit regarding the non-disclosure of photos showing the torn apart Sheikh. Our guys barge into the room, a quick glimpse of a gray beard is seen, shots ring out and the camera pans down on a rather bloodied face which no viewer can identify as UBL.

Yep, Maya had been telling the frustrated CIA brass that if they got bin Laden's courier, they would get the big cheese. They listened and supposition became reality. Hard to believe that bin Laden was living in plain sight, less than a mile from the Pakistani Military Academy and all along we thought he was in a cave. I learned something valuable from the film. Both the military and government officials HAD to know he was in Abbattabad and we had been treating that country as a valuable ally. The man who ordered the murder of 3,000 Americans was being protected by an "ally." I'll call it a day because I feel like cursing up a storm but want to retain my IMDb account.
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