The Avengers (2012)
Dumbed down irrelevant nonsense
27 January 2013
Honestly, I like the odd superhero movie but the makers of this are like the fat kid in Willy The Wonka who has to have all the chocolate.

This production (sic) treats the entire audience as low IQ zombies (no offence to actual zombies intended). There is zero depth of character development and zero story line interest. At no time whatsoever do you ever feel a sense of suspense or danger. At no time do you care if any of the characters come to harm - well you kind of know that none of them will as their superheroes - obviously. And why even bother having humans with no super powers - Oh I forgot, the humans in it are the most magical, unbelievable fighting machines. They just stand there wasting anything in their path, and Im not talking about the super heroes here. Rambo is but a beginner compared to them.

Every single facet of this farce is totally predictable from start to finish. Its one of those where you pray your transported to another reality and the bad guys actually win.

Technically its all good except the sound department have again gone mental. The action scenes are incredibly loud and were at times quite painful on the ears (seriously) and then the speaking parts were often so whispered and muffled sounding. I'm sure during post the sound guys sit there with the best sound system money can buy - but the reality is their mix doesn't translate well across systems. Bad sound isn't the problem, its the post mixing. I hear this issue on far to many movies these days and its ruining many films.

The acting by some of the cast is decent, considering the ridiculously poor script they have to work with. But in no way will any of them be remembering their part in this movie during their twilight years. This is a money and profile job - nothing more. Even then I do have to wonder if putting your name to this is actually worth it?. The directing is amateur hour. His/her (I don't know and don't care) focus is squarely on action and FX - so why not just have the FX team direct it as they certainly would have done a better job than the lucky ducky who managed to land this lucrative job. I do wonder if the director has actually ever watched a movie to see how one directs actors?

Anyway, I cant say much more about this nonsense except if you enjoy a movie which is one long mind numbing boring action scene, aimed at a dumbed down populace - then this is for you.

PS I cannot believe this movie gained so much favourable reviews. I certainly smell a rat.
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