Movie 43 (2013)
A Few Laughs Here and There, but Mostly Painful
26 January 2013
Having nothing else to do on a Saturday night, I went to go see Movie 43 with my friends. I knew nothing about it so I had little to no expectations for it. Despite this, the film still managed to fall flat on its face, leaving me with a bad feeling, much as I'm sure Alex DeLarge felt in A Clockwork Orange.

The premise of the movie is extremely basic: A would-be producer is pitching various ideas for movies and advertisements to a Hollywood executive, and each is shown as it would look if filmed. This back to back barrage of random skits is much like the "Scary Movie" and "Epic Movie" films. Typically, I find most entertainment media with this style to be anywhere from bland to awful, and Movie 43 is no exception.

The most prevalent problem with Movie 43 is that it is simply not funny, for the most part. I shall admit that a particular skit about a home schooled boy and his parents desperation to recreate high school at home got me laughing a few times, but none of the others matched it. Not only are the skits really not all that funny, they're unbelievably ridiculous. The setups feel incredible forced and uninspired, and makes me wonder if this is really the best they could come up with. I do realize that it's humorous for a producer to be proposing these ideas in all seriousness, but this would be something that would work better for just one or two skits, not an entire movie based on the same running gag.

If you're interested in seeing this movie because of it's star studded cast, do not bother. Most of your favorites will get a few minutes of screen time at best, and trust me when I say they are not used to their full potential. I found myself shaking my head at every skit and thinking "Come one, *insert star name here*, you really agreed to this?"

Movie 43 is a perfect example of quality vs quantity. Although this type of movie relies on multiple short stories, I feel it would have been wiser to make fewer, longer skits with more effort put into each, rather than just skit after skit with not much thought in any of them. I only recommend this movie if you truly have nothing better to do with your time or money.
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