Enjoyed More Than I Thought I Would
26 January 2013
Having read the novels (of the graphic variety), I felt obliged to give the film a try. The trailers are not entirely representative of what the film or the original story was, I will warn you. I will also confess, I know the 8 out of 10 to be generous, but I do it to balance out a few of the more critical reviews. This film is what it is; comedy horror done in a very stylized manner. The acting leaves a bit to be desired. Judd Nelson, I will say, puts in a decent performance for the material he was given - his inclusion being a nod to the original "club" imagined differently.

In short, it won't kill you to give this a try if you have the chance. Should make you smile more than once, which is more than I can say for some horror comedy I've seen.
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