Gold Digger Killer (2007 Video)
Dismal dud
24 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Imani (an extremely irritating and unappealing performance by Shantara Curry) has her life turned upside down after she gets fired from her job. Imani attempts to rectify the situation by hooking up with a well-off guy. After she gets brutally victimized by the man and his pals, Imani decides to become a vigilante who takes on the whole misogynistic system that labels her a gold digger. Sound good? Well, it just ain't. This hopelessly cruddy clinker strikes out something rotten in every possible way: The plodding (non)direction by Roderick Giles, a meandering narrative, the clumsily staged murder set pieces, the tedious'n'talky script by Jeff Carroll, the painfully sluggish pace, the plain cinematography that gives the picture a pedestrian look, the headache-inducing hip-hop soundtrack, a certain pervasive dullness that sucks all the fun and energy out of the movie, the uniformly obnoxious and insufferable characters, and the horribly affected wannabe cool'n'happening posturing "street" attitude that's annoying to the ninth degree all make this lousy loser a total chore to sit through. Worst of all, the main female lead is so grating and off-putting that one quite simply doesn't care at all about her one woman crusade against oppressive male swine. A complete stinker.
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