Intriguing movie!
19 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The story is set within the context of the NATO mission in Afghanistan/Uruzgan. A couple of guys from a Dutch village who grew up together, are sent there as soldiers. Two of them don't get back and one of them has changed drastically. His wife needs to know why he and his "friends" act so weird. She already knew that their vehicle had hit a bomb, but in the end she finds out that right after the bomb exploded, they got so wired that their following actions totally got out of hand.

At first I wondered about the position of the Army in this story. For example: why didn't they investigate or ... were they part - or maybe even in the lead - of the conspiracy to keep the lid on what happened after the bomb exploded? Later on I found out why this may have been totally irrelevant. It might be because the story could have been in any other setting as well; when something happened that had a gigantic impact on your life, it's always BIG trouble when you are not open to those who truly matter to you, about what happened to you. This is regardless of anybody else or any organization that tries to make you think and act otherwise.

Furthermore & finally: it's best to stay cool in any situation ...
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