Piranha (1995 TV Movie)
Remake ? A Re-Film Surely
15 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Thgis is supposedly a remake of the 1978 film PIRANHA directed by Joe Dante and written by John Sayles but right from the opening scene you're aware of how similar it is to the original movie . There's a pre-title sequence of two horny teenagers breaking in to a facility and getting consumed by a school of piranhas that ends with a light in the darkened tacitly being turned on just like in the original . Did I use the word " similar " ? My mistake the word I meant to use was " identical " . And so it continues . Not only does the film use the identical structure of the 1978 film it reproduces nearly every scene word for word and scene for scene almost to the point of sharing the same camera angles

There are a couple of very small modifications . One is the role reversal of characters who were male in the original whilst here they are female characters . In fact the one original scene is inserted featuring a female character and a wannbe film director is inserted in to the narrative and the fall out of having one of the characters die is quickly forgotten about . Wouldn't this be a major plot turn and lead to a warning that the lake is infested with deadly fish ?

This film has a very low average rating and some of the commentators feel it deserves a higher mark . Perhaps it does but that would be down to it basking in the glory of the original film and perhaps I would have been better copying and pasting my review of the 1978 movie . Same difference
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