"There's nothing left sir, but the cot on the porch. Thank you sir, thank you sir. That'll be $16. $16!!!"
13 January 2013
Wide Open Spaces goes wonderfully with Early to Bed and Drip Dippy Donald, the other insomniac Donald shorts, the latter being my personal favourite of the three. The three shorts have the same formula but in different settings and different gags, so it never feels derivative. Talking about Wide Open Spaces, it focuses more on the gags over characterisation. The good thing is though that the gags are very imaginative and hilarious, especially the one with the boulder and the priceless bit with sleeping Donald and the manager. While Wide Open Spaces doesn't quite play to Donald's strengths and trademark temperament he is still likeably characterised. The animation is truly excellent, full of vibrancy and detail in a decade that saw Disney in their absolute prime, while the music is gorgeous and also enhances the humour brilliantly. The ending is also a nice touch. Overall, wonderful stuff. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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