Perry Mason: The Case of the Libelous Locket (1963)
Season 6, Episode 17
Those Who Can Do, Those Who Can't Teach
10 January 2013
Law professor Michael Rennie is not a believer in that philosophy, in fact from his academic ivory tower he's of the belief he's somewhat superior to those grubby ambulance chaser types who make a living practicing the law. But when his student Patricia Manning needs help with a blackmailer whom she thinks she has killed and later turns up really dead he calls for help.

The help here is William Hopper who while Perry Mason is out with illness gets a shot at some independent case work which he seems only rarely to do with the Drake Detective Agency. The blackmailer is Carlos Romero, part time dance instructor, full time gigolo and all heel. He and partner in dance Ruta Lee are a pair of heels actually.

Manning and Rennie find that her father John Hoyt and stepmother Patrice Wymore have some connections to Romero as well. And there are a few other suspects as well. In fact Rennie himself has a connection that could torpedo Manning's chances in court.

In a previous guest lawyer episode Bette Davis beat William Talman, now law professor Rennie without trial experience takes out Hamilton Burger. How do they keep electing this guy in Los Angeles County?
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