Les Miserables est tres miserable
8 January 2013
I don't regret much in my life. I've done lots of things I would rather not have done but at least can say it was an experience and I've learned something.

Last night I watched Les Miserables and it was a dire experience from opening ridiculously over the top scene to the drawn out (for god's sake just die!!) scene at the end. I came out thinking "i've just lost two hours of my life that I'll never get back.

If just one of the actors could sing it would have been some blessed relief but apart from he chorus there wasn't a single a single redeeming voice in the cast. Where is Susan Boyle when you need her ?

From Hugh Jackmans wondering accents to the little boy on the barricades doing his artful dodger impression and Amanda Sefreid warbling like an anaemic canary this "musical" was a travesty.

Surely when you are casting a musical the requisite should be for singers who can maybe act and not actors who think they have a bit of a singing voice in the shower.

Les Mis is my favourite all time musical but no-one in there wildest dreams would consider buying the sound track to this hack job.

To be fair my wife said it was OK but even she got bored towards the end and there were a few boxes of hankies being used around me but it wouldn't do if we were all the same , would it.
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