A Real Film For Real People
5 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Arran regularly writes to his best friend Jake, who he believes is living a normal, happy family life just as he does. Unfortunately Jake's life couldn't be further from Arran's! Jake has problems sleeping and disappears off during the night much to the disappointment of his girlfriend Hannah. She and daughter Carrie live day to day without the presence of Jake, who seems to spend a lot of time away from the family home despite Jake not having a job. With social services on her back, Hannah is finding life hard to deal with. Jake appears to be living a delusional existence and this is not being helped by his use of drugs. Jake also regularly beats Hannah and basically treats her like she is the scum of the earth. Jake writes to Arran and gives the impression he has an amazing family life. If only Arran knew!

On a late night out Jake happens upon a club. A club he has never been to before where boys love boys and girls love girls. Asking for a drink from the barman, he starts chatting to Ethan. They start a close friendship and Jake moves in with Ethan, again filling Ethan's head with total lies about his life. Ethan becomes infatuated with Jake and even advice from his close friends about Ethan falls on deaf ears. Jake and Ethan have a physical relationship, whilst Jake insists on hiding this fact from Hannah.

Ethan falls deep for Jake, blissfully unaware of Jake's life outside of their cosy existence, but nothing lasts forever and Jake's and Ethan's lives will be shattered, just as Hannah's and Carrie's will never be the same again!


Sex, Lies & Depravity is a rare gem among the films being released this year. We seem to be continuously bombarded with remake upon remake of classic films, without any thought to developing young talent. Fortunately Jason Impey, Director of SL&D has found a new star in Wade Radford (Ethan) who is also the writer of SL&D. I feel Jason and Wade have tapped into society in general and I highly recommend that you either rent or buy the DVD when it is released this year (2013).

I was most impressed by the acting talents of Leigh Sorrell (Jake), Natascha Sauer (Hannah), Kealey Gavillet (Lisa) and Wade Radford. Wade is definitely a writer and actor to watch, which I will be doing!

It's very rare for a film to deal with sensitive subjects as alcoholism, mental health, physical abuse and same sex relationships together. It's even rarer for the subjects to be dealt with, with such compassion. SL&D is an exceptional film and I am so looking forward to part 2 and part 3 coming out.

The only fault I found with the film was issues with sound quality, but these did not deter me from watching what I believe will be looked upon as a classic in years to come :-)
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