Review of Unthinkable

Unthinkable (2007 TV Movie)
Stop being so stupid and listen to what he tells you
3 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILER*** Sticking her nose into her 19 year old son Peter's, Steven Grayhm, personal affairs has lady detective Jamie McDowell, Michelle Forbes, nosiness drives Peter to plan to marry his sweetheart Kelly Shaw, Eve Levesque, less then a month when after the two young lovers met and fell in love. Kelly in testing Peter's love for her tried, by spilling a glass of beer in his face, to incite her ex-boyfriend Ray Rankin, Graham Kosakoski, to get into a bar room brawl with Peter at the "Copper Penny" where he works as a bartender. With Peter not falling for Kelly's act she in a huff leaves him there at the bar alone as she takes off in a taxi for home to cool off. It's later that she's found dead there from a fire of suspicious origins.

***SPOILERS FROM THIS POINT ON*** With all the evidence pointing to Ray as the both arsonist and murderer of Kelly in that he threatened to kill her in front of about a dozen witnesses, including Peter, at the "Copper Penny" bar and her death was later attributed to strangulation not the fire it's Ray who becomes the #1 suspect in Kelly's murder! That's until all the evidence starts to come in and exonerate Ray of the crime. And it soon becomes clear that the person who murdered Kelly was someone very close to her with all the evidence pointing straight to him: Kelly's boyfriend and soon to be future husband Peter McDowell!

Jamie McDowell doesn't come across sympathetic at all in the movie in her jumping to conclusions and at one point working over a helpless Ray Rankin at the police station in her trying to beat a confession out of him. It's when it's found out that her own son Peter, who confessed to Kelly's murder, murdered her that Jamie became more liberal in her thinking. That in trying to get Peter from receiving the death penally but life behind bars instead. Kelly's murder also tuned Jamie's life long friend Kelly's mom Susan Shaw,Rachel Hayword, violently against her! In that she spawned her daughter's murderer her boyfriend and soon husband to be Peter McDowell!

The film "Unthinkble" shows how we can take things for granted only to find out that in many cases people whom we feel are guilty are in fact innocent. We see this all the time in the real world as we saw this in the movie. Yes Ray Rankin was a not very nice person but as it turned out her wasn't a murderer. It was Jamie who overreacted to Kelly's murder and before the evidence was even in had the guy already convicted! That actually made her look more like the villain not the distraught mother who lost a child in the movie.

***MAJOR SPOILERS***Jamie in her using the $10,000.00 in reward money that she put up to catch and convict Kelly's killer, that turned out to be her son Peter, to get top flight shyster or lawyer Ed Callahan, Jerry Wasserman, didn't ingratiate or help her cause either! In that Calahan specializes in defending murderers rapists and cop killers. Calahan's sleazy and underhanded defense tactics did end up getting her son Peter, who's crime fit two out of the three categories,off as well! That from being strapped onto a gurney and with the help of a needle put to sleep for good!
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