Fun, one of the better late-60s Roadrunner vs.Coyote cartoons
28 December 2012
Generally I don't consider the Roadrunner vs.Coyote series a consistent one, and I am not a fan of those from the late 60s. Sugar and Spies is one though I happen to like very much, definitely one of the better ones anyway. As you'd expect, the story is predictable and there is always going to be one person who is going to tired at Coyote falling down a cliff in what feels like every cartoon of his. For the late 60s period though, the animation is not bad at all. By all means not as good as that of the ones from the 50s, but much less sparse in the backgrounds and more colourful. The music has some character to it and does convey the moods and enhance the gags very well. While you do know the eventual outcome, the sight gags are still very funny and are among the more original ones of this point in this particular series of cartoons.

All in all, not one of my favourites but still has a lot of fun elements to it. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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