Been there, done that....
26 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Considering that "The Maverick Queen" was the first widescreen film from Republic Studios, you'd think it would be a prestige picture. Well, apart from sporting a once A-list actress Barbara Stanwyck (who looks pretty awful in color under such heavy makeup), it was far from a memorable movie.

The film is about Butch Cassidy and the Hole in the Wall gang. It seems they are being aided, covertly, by a lady (Stanwyck) who runs a business called 'The Maverick Queen'. When a guy comes into town saying he wants to join the gang (Barry Sullivan) and that he's Jeff Younger (of the famous Younger gang), Stanwyck goes gaga for the guy and blindly pushed him into a role in their next robbery. At first the ruse seems to work--until the REAL Younger shows up--then it sure looks as if Nelson's days are numbered. Will his new sweetie just stand back and let the gang do him in or will his sheer manliness win her over to his side--getting her to give up EVERYTHING she's ever worked to create?! Well, in real life, the answer would clearly be NO--but this is a movie after all!

As the film progressed, I kept feeling like I've seen this film before. The notion of a butch female gang leader falling for a lawman and betraying the gang is very old and very clichéd--and other actresses like Marlene Dietrich and Joan Crawford (among others) made similar flicks....VERY similar flicks. Additionally, in a scene when there is a showdown and Nelson's character attacks Sundance, not once does Sundance call out for help from his gang who is waiting outside!! Because of bad writing there is never any suspense in the film if you've seen many westerns--you know what MUST happen with each and every cliché--especially the ending.

The bottom line is that although this movie looks nice with its location shoot and color widescreen print, the story itself is pure B-movie all the way. It's pretty indistinguishable from a Roy Rogers or Gene Autry film the studio made in previous years--films which cost a whole heck of a lot less to make and with much more modest pretensions. Passable entertainment but no more and perhaps my score of 5 is a bit generous.

Please note: In the film, Sundance is killed. However, in real life he died in South America--thousands of miles from where the film is set! Historical accuracy....who needs it?!
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