Dismal independent film
24 December 2012
If there had been any justice in this world of ours, "Almost Hollywood" would have been instantly forgotten after its initial release on home video more than fifteen years ago. But the good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment resurrected this movie in their "Rare Cult Cinema" DVD pack they issued a couple of years ago. The question is: WHY? This is an absolutely terrible movie. It's really cheaply made, with cinematography that looks like it was shot on videotape and transferred to film, hollow sound, and tacky sets. The story unfolds at a snail's pace, taking forever to set everything and every character up, and an equally long time to wrap things up. But the worst thing about this movie is that there is not one likable character. EVERY character is unbelievably repulsive. If these characters are really like real life Hollywood film folk, you'll cancel your plans to hit Hollywood and become a star. I just hope this movie isn't resurrected once again fifteen years from now.
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