Not for everyone!
17 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
One of the movies which created quite a lot of expectations thanks to the fact that it was Samantha in her first main Tamil movie role and the great songs by Ilaiyaraja in the movie.

The movie is all about the 3 different stages and love story of Varun (Jeeva) and Nithya (Samantha).

The start of the movie makes you expect a whole lot of the movie thanks to Santhanam's amazing introduction! Though you expect a lot, your expectations are dampened by slow movement of scenes and pretty expected dialogues. Just when you think you've sat through eternity and are waiting for the end credits, "Interval" pops up and you get your well deserved break after a much boring first half. You expect an equally similar second half but you are surprised by how it shapes up (Largely thanks to the Ilaiyaraja songs) and its actually interesting. It goes very well until the pathetic climax. GVM is known for his eccentricity in his movies and this climax surely has to fall as one of the worst climaxes in the history of Tamil cinema. The 20 minutes of the climax feels like an entire 2 and a half hour movie.

A few scenes are excellent and typical GVM style romantic scenes and if you are a person who has had a long relationship on and off, you will sure like the movie in parts. A few parts of the movie is excellent but its largely dull and boring.

To say its a mashup of Varanam Ayiram and VTV would be an overstatement but you feel it when you watch the movie. To be quite honest, I will say GVM has wasted Ilaiyaraja's magical BGM's and excellent songs. And the movie is not for all. Are expectations satisfied when you come out of the cinema hall? I went in with low expectations thanks to the bad reviews given to me but as I came out, I was satisfied due to just the parts of the movies I loved.
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