Review of The Mayor

The Mayor (2011)
A Delight and a Surprise
14 December 2012
This movie was a delight and a surprise. Old people in an Assisted Living Facility? Who'd have thunk? But it's very funny, and poignant, and eye opening. You get to follow a number of senior citizens as they go about their daily activities. And guess what? Because of the disarming honesty of the subjects and the skill of the filmmaker, it's just really interesting to watch. It's kind of like "oh, old folks are people too!" Kidding, but because we all have seniors in our lives or will be seniors ourselves before long, it's an important reminder in a society that maybe doesn't value and notice and revere our seniors as perhaps we should and as many other society's do, that just because you're old doesn't mean you stop being smart, hilarious and forthright, or wanting love, needing community, or caring deeply about each other. I loved it and was very moved by it, as well. I heartily recommend.
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