Commercial movie with a message
10 December 2012
I still remember the moment when I was introduced to this movie. It was while checking out review for Khaleja that I came across this upcoming movie which was compared with 'Chak De India' for sharing similar plot. Of course I was curious to watch the movie to explore this connection but my curiosity was put on hold by work. It was during one of these weekends that I was reminded of it. I happened to watch the movie and here I am with my review.

Talking about plot, yes, it bears some similarity to CDI but you will not be reminded of this while watching the movie. Presentation of the movie is neat and from start to end the sole-purpose of the movie is well defined. For me, presence of the coach was just catalytic. In fact real hero of the movie is the team and the kids. The transformation from being disoriented bunch of students to a focused team is very well portrayed by them.

There are two things in the movie that I disapprove. Firstly, romantic song which is a total misfit and just gives the commercial touch to the movie. Secondly the overly-dramatic climax. I could not believe that a school team playing for championship did not have any extras? Though I don't have sports background but I still remember that our school cricket team did have extras to substitute the players during crisis and they were not just any regular extras but good players. After reading that the movie is based on a book written by an ex-cricket player, this disapproval just got strong.

Concluding message of the movie is, undoubtedly, good but the above mentioned drawbacks does not allows me to give a 10-on-10 points to the movie.
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