2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
The Reviews are more entertaining than the movie
8 December 2012
I'm watching this movie as I write this. I stumbled onto it on a Saturday morning and still have 20 minutes left. I must admit, I missed the first half hour. Thankfully, I'm watching it for free on SYFY. I decided it was so terrible that I had to see what people were saying about it. Some of the reviews are very funny...and true. This is an awful movie. Truly, the acting is awful...the characters are stupid...the dialog sucks...it's inconsistent as all hell....the special effects are laughable...oh my..there's just too many things that I can't even list them all. I'm slightly amused by the sheer awfulness of it all. If nothing else, it led to me reading the reviews...which has given me some big laughs. How sad is it when the reviews of a movie are way more entertaining than the film itself? I do want to thank those who wrote those great reviews that gave me such pleasure today.
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