It's at least the most entertaining in the series.
29 November 2012
Well, it's finally over, or at least it's supposed to be over since I hear they're thinking about spin offs. The last Twilight, and just as a refresher, here's what I thought of the other four. Twilight: Didn't like it. New Moon: Not really good, but had enough moments to be watchable. Eclipse: I would say was OK. Breaking Dawn Part 1: Didn't like it. And now we have hit the final film, and it's certainly the most entertaining in the series, at least for half of it maybe.

Because when this movie slows down, it REALLY slows down. It can get so boring at points that I wanted to just stop watching. Bella's exposition narration was, well, as pointless as it was in "The Last Airbender." But that film at least was cut down and tried to fit a season of a TV show into one movie. This is fitting one half a book into a movie that's the end of a franchise, I don't think anyone will find it weird if it's longer. The actress who played Renesmee wasn't very good, I'm sure she tried her hardest, but would it kill her to have any other expression other than just blank staring. And I thought the main villain was supposed to be Dakota Fanning, but she doesn't do anything, literally, I don't even remember her talking.

Now for the positives: Bella actually does stuff other than mope and complain. She did start to get better in the last movie, but now she's actually fighting and doing stuff. And it's a good thing too, if Bella turned into a Vampire than didn't do anything, I would have been so angry. The movie seems to have a sense of humor in the beginning that pokes fun at the series, allowing for some actual entertainment. The villains are actually a threat, the leader being so over the top at times that I found myself laughing. And the final battle was actually really fun. It's just vampires and werewolves beating the crap out of each other, and it was actually quite entertaining. Thank God, since the movie was being very slow up to this point.

Now let's talk the twist, I won't spoil it, but it's the only twist ending I've ever seen that both infuriated me, and was also awesome at the same time. So...good job Twilight, you ended your series with you best, or at least most entertaining movie, even if it was still only just OK, so don't mess it up.
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