Sinbad and the Minotaur (2011 TV Movie)
High adventure and joie de vivre
25 November 2012
Apparently, people love to denounce "Sinbad and Minotaur" (2011) because it's clear that the actors learned their lines the same day their scenes were shot and the production was done at lightning speed. On top of this is a we're-not-taking-this-too-seriously air akin to the Indiana Jones sequels. The criticizers can't seem to get past these limitations to see what is, actually, a fun, rollicking Sinbad adventure in the manner of "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad" and "Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger," only much faster-paced.

Muscleman Manu Bennett would've made a better Sinbad if they had done something with his hair and maybe given him a goatee. As it is, he looks too much like a Jersey Shore hunk. Despite this, he nails the part and conveys the joie de vivre of Sinbad. In fact, one of the highlights of the film is the great joy of living portrayed by all the protagonists.

Another highlight is the great locations, shot in Queensland, Australia. There's a good variety of settings, like forests, rock outcroppings, deserts, the sea, and caves. Speaking of caves, some of the cave sets are pretty unconvincing, sort of like the original Star Trek TV series, but not so bad that it spoils the film. It's just part of the charm.

There's a nice smorgasbord of women as well, including a gorgeous belly dancer near the beginning and fleeing damsel with see-through attire, lol.

The villain (Steven Grives) is also strong with his gruesome cannibal/vampire sidekick.

The film runs 88 minutes.

BOTTOM LINE: If you can look past the fact that the actors essentially learned their lines the same day of shooting, this is a fun, thrilling Sinbad yarn filled with high adventure, swashbuckling, magic and beautiful women. Yeah, it's a throw-away flick, but aren't all Sinbad films, really? Besides, "Sinbad and the Minotaur" is the definition of joie de vivre; it's a good film for when you just want to turn off your brain and have a good time.

If it weren't for the overt negatives noted above I wouldn't hesitate to give it a higher rating.

GRADE: C+ or B-
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