Title is spot on.
24 November 2012
This film has a slow silly start (men dressed up in animal costumes!), we nearly passed up on it. However we kept with it, and once the story got going we were glad we did. It is not a film with a profound message, but it is very entertaining and gives you things to think about if you like time loop puzzles. Wait for the chance meeting with the girl in the pub (or fast forward to it if you are watching a recording) before you decide, if at the beginning you find you don't like the film.

All the classic problems with time travelled are explored in this film, some with fresh interpretations, so the film does do what it promises in the title. If you like Douglas Adam's view of the world in Hitchhiker's Guide or Grant/Naylor's view in Red Dwarf, then you should give this film a try.
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