Houdini (1953)
Other than the fact that much of it is crap, it IS entertaining.
22 November 2012
Too often, films take a fast and loose approach to biopics. So, it didn't surprise me that much of "Houdini" was pure crap. Sadly, however, the discerning viewer is left wondering what is crap and what was really true about Houdini. I investigated a bit and found SOME of the movie was true--such as Houdini playing a wild man at a carnival early in his career. Unfortunately, Houdini's early death had nothing to do with how he died in the film. There is a line by an old magician (Ian Wolfe) who says "It will make you famous BUT it will kill you"--and the rest of the film went about proving that this man was prophetic. However, he was wrong--none of Houdini's tricks killed him! In another example, it made it seem as if the man believed that he would somehow return after death at the end of the picture--while he actually fought throughout his life to expose such things and felt it was all nonsense. So, you really cannot take this film as Gospel....it is a very, very broad view of Houdini's life and many, many liberties were taken with the truth.

Obviously, the film loses a few points for these untruths. However, apart from this, is it entertaining and worth seeing? Maybe. It is nice that Curtis was cast, as although he looked very little like Houdini, his ability to do magic and make the tricks looked good sure helped. It's just too bad you never learn much about him as a person in this portrayal. Not bad---just far from what it should have been, as Houdini's life was amazing (such as his career in films which was never mentioned) and it all is so sensationalized you never really get to know him. A flawed time-passer and that's about all.
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